
来源: 作者: 时间:2011-09-05
百奥明2011亚洲营养论坛 十月万众瞩目

26 August 2011 – Biomin, a leading company in the global animal health and nutrition industry, announces the dates and destinations for the company’s biennial event, BIOMIN Asia Nutrition Forum. The forum will cater specifically to the Asian audience, spanning over six cities across Asia from 10 to 21 October, from Cebu to Pattaya, Coimbatore, Chang Sha, Zheng Zhou and Tokyo. The theme of the forum is “Sustainability: defining the basics, addressing the essentials, introducing NutriEconomics®”.

2011年8月26日,一家全球 动物健康和营养业领导企业,正式发布两年一度盛会,即,百奥明亚洲营养论坛的举办日期与举办目的。亚洲为此次论坛主要受众区域,从10月10日至21日,巡演于亚洲六大城市:从菲律宾宿务岛到泰国芭提雅,印度哥印拜陀、中国长沙,中国郑州和日本东京。此次论坛核心议题为“营养经济学®--可持续性:立足根本,诠释本质。”

“The great challenge in agricultural science today is to produce sufficient food in a sustainable system that will feed the 9 billion people expected to be on this earth by 2050“ says Professor David Farrell, a key speaker. “As the price of food escalates and food riots are happening amongst the poor, we must get smarter to meet the challenge. There are solutions and there will be costs.”

With more people to feed and finite resources to depend on, the feed and animal production industry has to grow profitably without compromising the ability to meet future needs.

“2050年地球上的人口预计达到90亿,今天,农业科技面临的最大挑战是利用可持续系统生产出足量的食物来满足人类的需求。无论是可耕种的农田,或是生产生物燃料的农作物,亦或是用以喂养有迅速增长需求的家禽的谷物,就目前情况而言,都不能满足这一需求。” 主要演讲者,David Farrell教授说道,”伴随食品价格的攀升,贫困的民众因食物不足而发生骚乱。我们必须睿智地迎接挑战。只要不断努力,就能找到解决之路。”


Targeting at key industry professionals from the poultry, pig, dairy and aquaculture sectors, the forum will feature an impressive panel of leading industry experts like David Farrell, Professor from the University of Queensland; John Baize, President of John C. Baize and Associates; Robert Van Barneveld, Professor from the University of New England and Consultant Research Scientist (Nutrition) of Barneveld Nutrition Pty Ltd, and Maximilian Schuh, Consultant and experienced veterinarian in diseases of swine and cattle. Representing Biomin are Jan Vanbrabant, CEO of Biomin Asia; Guan Shu, Technical Manager of Biomin Asia; Jim He, Technical Nutrition Manager of Biomin Asia; Wolfgang Markert, Director Development Department of Biomin Holding GmbH and Franz Waxenecker, Director Innovation Management of Biomin Holding GmbH.

以家禽、猪、牛奶场和水产业等主要专业领域为目标,论坛将请到行业内专家组成豪华专家小组:昆士兰大学教授 David Farrell先生; John C. Baize and Associates主席John Baize先生;新英格兰大学教授,巴纳菲尔德私人企业营养高级顾问,科研营养学家Robert Van Barneveld;猪牛疾病资深兽医及顾问Maximilian Schuh。

代表百奥明出席的有百奥明亚洲区首席执行官Jan Vanbrabant;百奥明亚洲区技术经理关舒;百奥明亚洲区营养技术经理何金明;百奥明奥地利发展部总监、百奥明股份有限公司创新管理总监,Wolfgang Markert先生。

Delegates can gain insights on various topics that address sustainability from different facets. Presentations will explore the solutions to feed the growing population, define the basics of sustainability using the NutriEconomics® program and look into the implications of commodity trade on animal production. In addition, discuss about feeding the livestock in 50 years, review the ban of AGP in Europe and identify the expectations and trends of antibiotic growth promoter use in Asia. Biomin will share the latest mycotoxins survey results, reveal the future of mycotoxin degradation and unveil innovations in animal health and nutrition.

代表团成员就多类话题进行深入探讨,从各方面阐述可持续性发展。演讲报告将就如何供养不断增长的人口探究其解决之道,如何运用营养经济学项目来立足可持续性发展根本,展望原料贸易及其对动物养殖业的潜在影响。此外,论坛还将探讨未来50年我们用什么原料喂养家畜,欧洲抗生素禁用回顾与亚洲抗生素生长促进使用趋势。百奥明将与大家分享最新 霉菌毒素调查报告,霉菌毒素降解的展望和动物健康和营养创新。



10月17日 中国湖南长沙站 明城国际大酒店


10月19日 中国河南郑州站 凯芙建国饭店



百奥明饲料添加剂(上海)有限公司 钱小姐

电话:021-69155780 手机:13817187080



BIOMIN develops and produces feed additives, premixes and services with the aim to improve animal health and performance in a natural and economically viable way. Using the latest technology BIOMIN promotes sustainable solutions and supports environmentally friendly animal production with more than 20 years experience in mycotoxin risk management and with a groundbreaking new natural growth promoting concept as well as specific solutions for dietary problems.


