奥特奇大使欢聚晚宴圆满成功 Very successful Alltech Ambassadors Dinner!
The Alltech Ambassadors Dinner was held on August 14 in theIrish Embassy in Beijing. In attendance over 150 guests, including 20countries envoys, counselor and guests from the equestrian and livestockindustry. Alltech, as the key host of the dinner, aim to provide a platform fordomestic companies to carry out international cooperation and strengthencommunication.
The Irish ambassador Mr Kavanagh and the French minister Mr.Pellet Bai Liang gave welcome speeches during the dinner. Dr. Mark Lyons,Alltech Global Vice President, also introduced the Alltech FEI World EquestrianGames held from Aug.23 to Sep.7 in Normandy, France. The guests enjoyed afantastic evening of singing and dancing with the highlight being the IrishDancing.
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