奥特奇中国创新启迪日 Alltech China Rebelation Day

来源: 作者: 时间:2015-11-09

奥特奇中国创新启迪日Alltech China Rebelation Day

Alltech Rebelation – Is a celebration of entrepreneurship, business and marketing, and the roles of science and technology in agriculture which was held, May 17-20, in Lexington, Kentucky. It is an event that explores innovation, inspiration and world-changing ideas. Experts and industry insiders from around the world convene to Kentucky’s Bluegrass Region to discuss strategies for transforming business, agriculture and life agriculture, and life from 11 different perspectives.

On the 30th of October 2015, in Beijing, we brought the highlight of the Rebelation to China, and shared the great ideas with people from the Chinese industry.

More than 200 people attended the meeting, and included industry leaders, from integrators, feed companies and farms.




Patrick YuPresident of COFCO kicked off the meeting and talked about "The Outlook of China Food and Feed Industry". He said that China needs to upgrade food consumption (animal protein consumption growth), and that China´s food and feed industry still has development space. Appropriate scale management is the main way to improve the cost competitiveness of agricultural products in China. Appropriate scaling will lead to significant changes in the industrial sectors, increasing the demand for high quality agricultural production and services, as well as improving efficiency.


He mentioned 3 key areas in this new challenging environment that food and feed companies need to resolve.


§Challenge 1: Cost

§Challenge 2: Food safety

§Challenge 3: Sustainable developmentü




To solve these 3 key challenges, companies need to rely on the innovation of manufacturing method and technology:

§The competition among China´s food and feed companies will be the innovation of manufacturing methods and technology.

§Companies who lead the innovation of manufacturing and technology will become the future leaders of the food and feed industry.




Professor Aidan Connolly, VP Chief Innovation Officer of Alltech talked about Future Proofing the Food Industry.

He said challenges associated with feeding the planet have never been as complex. Concerns with costs, quality & yields will continue, but are now combined with new challenges inconceivable 50 years ago. Food Safety is a Given, as a supplier of a staple diet food it is of paramount importance that the food we provide is: safe, tasty, nutrition, succulent, and value for money. He mentioned measures taken by China to ensure the correct level of food safety. He also shared the experience of Red Tractor system and the food market of Ireland & Whole Foods, and also shared with the audience how he feels the future era of Retail Environment In 2050 and future farms will become. To get there we have lots of questions need to be answer, but we are on the right path.

奥特奇副总裁及首席创新官Aidan Connolly讲诉了未来食品行业的发展。


Rob KoeppDirector of The Economist Corporate Network gives analysis of China´s economy.

China generates $901bn in new GDP and is the No. 2 economy globally, and even with relatively slower growth, is still the top producer of new economic mass. The US is still the world’s largest economy by a long way. India is Number 7 in economic size, but number 3 in size of growth, and is growing faster than China. However, the story is different according to “per person economics”, as GDP per capita of China is small. China´s agriculture growth is still noticeably lagging in terms of personal GDP output.

Key areas where China´s agriculture will need to improve to stay strong include:

§Efficiencies, productivity

§Healthy, organic, natural

§Automation, online, social media

经济人学杂志的总经理Rob Koepp在会议上对中国的经济形势进行了分析。尽管增长有所放缓,但中国仍是世界排名第二的经济体,GDP9010亿美金。美国依旧是世界上最大的经济体,并会在长时间内保持领头地位。印度从规模上来讲是世界上第七大经济体,但是增长速度却排名第三,超过中国。虽然中国GDP规模庞大,但是人均GDP数值却很小。中国农业增长没有跟上中国GDP发展,重要性越来越低。





Malcolm Nerva, Founder & Managing Director, Genowledge Corporation talked about "How To Build a High Performance Team." He said the tings you need to think about when building a high performance team include: are you leading the team? What is the size of the team? Is the team good? And he emphasis that: trust is important, conflict is actually not always a bad thing, responsibility should be clear, Accountability should not be avoided, and results should be noted.



Panel discussion

Tao Yishan, Chairman of Tangrenshen

Wang Lianzen, CEO of Huayu

Cai Huiyi, Researcher of CAAS

Fu Wenge,Professor of CAU






4 industry leaders discussed the opportunities and challenges that the industry is facing currently. As well as this, they also talked about what can be done to seize the opportunities and handle the challenges that the industry will be faced with. They talked about the current industries´ current situation, for example how the industry is changing all the time, but that it is important that everything is conducted in a proper way. They also spoke about the internet and agriculture, more and more agricultural companies are developing internet technologies, and this will be part of the future. The flow of information is not very fluent in the agricultural industry, and for the industry to improve it will have to become more efficient.


Dr. Mark Lyons, the vice president of Alltech Global & General Manager of Alltech China


The world we live in is increasingly of less certainty. Stock problems, refugee crises are happening around the world. Also, the agricultural industry is facing many challenges: by 2050, we will need to produce twice the amount of food that we produce today with the same resources to feed 9 billion people. What is the demand of future consumers? Diversity, localization and affordable priced food is what consumers are becoming more focused on. The future markets are in the BRIC economies, MINT and N11 countries. These countries of high speed economic growth show great opportunity for agriculture. Go to these countries, build a localized team and supply chain, and this can lead to great economic opportunities to your enterprise.

China is the world’s biggest market, and it is entered a new era. 400 million people have been brought out of poverty and the increasing middle class, the transformation of economic growth and the upgrading of industry structure brings tremendous potential to the market. On the other hand, the government is more focused on environmental issues, corruption and the agricultural industry are all included in the governments “white paper”. At the same time, China is looking for opportunities to co-operate. We need to change our view of “cheap China”, and look at China as a key partner.

So how do you succeed in these types of markets, especially China? Technology co-operation and speed are key. Big data analysis can provide the agricultural industry with valuable strategic advice, as some companies within the industry has already adopted, using it to serve their customers. By using data analysis, Alltech ECO2 was successfully able to provide solutions to farmers and researchers.

Apart from technology, we also need co-operation. Alltech has co-operated with 21 research institutes, 10 of which are located in China. This allows Alltech to provide technological drives for future foods and the agricultural industry. Alltech also co-operates with Nestle on Dairy Farming training centres, as well as creating values for animal consumer and environment.

Speed in decision making and the people that can bring these decisions into reality are key factors to success. Alltech is currently building a new platform on social media to make the management structure more flat. This will result in more time saved during the decision making process. This will allow us to become the market leader and seize the opportunities that exist.






Dr. Neil Xue, Research Director of Alltech China gave a speech titled "How Research is Addressing the Problems of Tomorrow?" He talked about the challenges in a future focused on food, the green revolution in China and how environmental regulation is coming, and companies are aware of that, as well as the focus on food safety. To solve the problem, Alltech Research Alliance has developed accordingly. Alltech works with top universities, research institutes and industry companies to find solutions for the challenges. There are 23 research alliances in the world and 10 of them are in China.

He also said that:

§Efficient Research and Innovation is the key for the Core Competence.

§Open Research/Innovation model might be more effective and efficient.

§Innovation of 0 to 1 and innovative copy of 1 to N






Dr. Lyons, Founder and President of Alltech, asked the audience to "DO WHAT MAKES YOUR HEART SINGS." He said that we are facing lots of challenges but at the same time there are also opportunities. The brave don’t live forever but the cautious don’t live at all. Alltech’s business is currently in more than 128 counties and is moving toward to a 10 billion company. It is focused on 2 things: Innovation and urgency. We are consistently seeking new products and new ways to innovate, such as the algae platform. We know the level of urgency that is required, like how we developed technology to remove the antibiotics. The urgency also includes the urgency to remove bureaucracy. But it is never about you, it is about your team and your customer.

To be a rebel, there are 3 things you must do:

§Avoid the energy vampires

§Make sure your dream has Purpose & passion

§Don’t die with your music still in you

奥特奇创始人、总裁Dr. Lyons让参会者从事让心灵歌唱的事业。他说我们面临着很多挑战,但是也充满着机会。勇者或许无法永生,但是,太过谨慎则根本无法存活。奥特奇业务遍布128个国家,正向着100亿美金销售额的目标前进。这只关乎两件事:创新和紧迫性。我们不断的寻求新产品和新途径,例如我们打造了微藻平台。我们明白紧迫性,例如我们研发了减少或清除抗生素使用的技术。紧迫性还表现在亟需消灭官僚主义紧迫性。但是这从来都不是个人的事情,而是事关团队和客户。




§随着生命起乐, 激情不灭, 奋斗不止!

GALA DINNER – Mark & Holly’s Chinese Wedding

Congratulations to Mark and Holly!

