“我们多年来一直是饲料添加剂行业的领先供应商,客户认可和信任我们的品牌。”赢创动物营养北亚区副总裁Torben Madsen博士说。“销售假货不仅仅是非法和欺骗行为,更给养殖户以及养殖动物带来风险。由于不知道使用的产品究竟是什么,可能会导致无法获得预期的动物生产表现,甚至会危害到动物的健康和福利。”
1. 赢创动物营养业务线销售团队
2. 赢创动物营养业务线授权经销商,咨询电话400-068-1212
3. 赢创阿里巴巴官方旗舰店 :evonik.1688.com。
about Evonik
Evonik is one of the world leaders in specialty chemicals. The focus on more specialty businesses, customer-orientated innovative prowess and a trustful and performance-oriented corporate culture form the heart of Evonik’s corporate strategy. They are the lever for profitable growth and a sustained increase in the value of the company. Evonik benefits specifically from its customer proximity and leading market positions. Evonik is active in over 100 countries around the world with more than 36,000 employees. In fiscal 2017, the enterprise generated sales of €14.4 billion and an operating profit (adjusted EBITDA) of €2.36 billion.
about Nutrition & Care
The Nutrition & Care segment is led by Evonik Nutrition & Care GmbH and contributes to fulfilling basic human needs. That includes applications for everyday consumer goods as well as animal nutrition and health care. This segment employed about 8,250 employees, and generated sales of around €4.5 billion in 2017.
In so far as forecasts or expectations are expressed in this press release or where our statements concern the future, these forecasts, expectations or statements may involve known or unknown risks and uncertainties. Actual results or developments may vary, depending on changes in the operating environment. Neither Evonik Industries AG nor its group companies assume an obligation to update the forecasts, expectations or statements contained in this release.
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